I've added new features to make cheats easier to find and understand.

TwistedMexi's Sims 4 Cheat Resource is Live! For the newest and complete list of cheats, please visit me at The wiki will stick around but is no longer my official cheat page. You can also find things like Always Freebuild, Always. It is a convenient little mod along with his many other building-related mods. You can participate in some of the situations to help the NPC sims and earn TwistedMexi Live Drag lets you drag things around while in Live Mode, allowing you to make adjustments to things without having to hit F2 and enter build mode, move it around, and back into the game. This mod adds 11 different dramatic situations that could happen around your sim starring NPC townies and adds a lively atmosphere in your sims neighborhoods. used to only work in live mode but now you can now use it in build mode.Key Features. This is nice to have if you are making a garden. The best feature is the ability to move several objects at once to wherever you need them to be. Learn moreTwistedMexi makes sure to explain everything in his video. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. That's it! Don't restructure or move the files in any way. Open the "TwistedMexi's Better BuildBuy v1.6.4" zip and drag the "Tmex-BetterBuildBuy" folder inside to your mods root. Delete any existing copies you have for TOOL or BBB.

Open the "TwistedMexi's TOOL v2.3.6 Official" zip and drag the "Tmex-TOOL" folder inside to your mods root.