On top of that, it's very difficult to distinguish and select different units, like trying to pick a medic out of a ground of grunts, and then send him toward a grunt that's hurting. It's too bad that there's no way to just abstract the supply situation or turn it off entirely.

It feels like Sudden Strike wants to give you the epic scope but then immediately mire you in the minutia. Sure, in a way it's realistic, but it seems contradictory in this game. Medics have to be sent to patch up the wounded. Fuel trucks have to continually refuel other vehicles. Ammo trucks need to be dispatched to rearm units and vehicles. Where Sudden Strike 3 struggles is that while the game gives you these vast battles full of hundreds of men, with vehicles, artillery, and air defense guns scattered around the map, it also requires you to micromanage them to an incredible degree. It's all about trying to maneuver around the strength of an enemy's defenses and hitting them where they're vulnerable. The latter need to be carefully hoarded and used, though, as they're limited in number and aircraft can get shot down if you send them over AA. To assist you, there's a wide range of off-board assets to call upon, like artillery and air strikes. For example, it's not enough to just seize the immediate front, but you've got to send pincers to drive deep into the enemy rear. The battles are huge and multistage almost because of the sheer depth of the battlefield. You often need to cut through enemy territory to seize strategic crossroads or logistical positions. Of course, your job is to complete objectives, and these are presented in a military manner.